Real beauty can never be enjoyed without rooting out the dirt


During a discussion on Saturday, 13 February 1932, the topic of beauty came up in the presence of a few outsiders.

To explain further, Baba spelled out:

I like beauty in everything; but what is beauty? The beauty that never perishes, that is immortal, is real beauty.

Look at the human body. It is full of filth and dirt. The mouth, nose, rectum, urinary tract — what are in all these? Filth! Still, men run after beautiful women. This is not beauty. It is foul lust.

Suppose you love a beautiful woman and her face gets misshapen by acid thrown on it, rendering her ugly. Then what will become of your ‘love’?

If your heart is quite clean and your mind is pure, you will remain unaffected, even surrounded by thousands of beautiful women. It will have no effect on you and you will be able to appreciate beauty.

As it is, you do not love beauty but dirt, because you yourselves are unclean. Get rid of your own foulness and then find out what beauty is! Beauty can never be enjoyed without rooting out the dirt., p1352
Feb, 1932; Nasik

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