30 Oct 2012 – Discourse on Manonash (Annihilation of mind)- concluding part 8

Baba upon the Seclusion Hill, Meherazad


(Continued from previous post)

[Baba  started the Manonash work (the God-determined step) on 16 Oct 1951 at Khojaguda cave, Hyderabad and proceeded mostly on foot via Gulbarga, Aurangabad, Khuldabad, Imampur etc., to reach the Seclusion Hill (alias Manonash hill/Tembi hill) at Meherazad and concluded this work on 15 Feb 1951. ]


For these last four months, according to ordinary human standards and by ways and means known to me, I have tried my utmost for the achievement of Manonash – and I can say with all truth that I feel satisfied with the work done. This satisfaction is due to the feeling I have of having regained my Old Life Meher Baba state, yet retaining my New Life ordinary state. I have regained the Knowledge, Strength and Greatness that I had in the Old Life; and retained the ignorance, weaknesses and humility of the New Life. This union of the Old and New Life states has given birth to LIFE – Life that is eternally old and new.

My efforts for Manonash have been positive, and the result of Manonash will be positive. But the actual and concrete manifestation of this result I leave entirely to the divine sanction. Where, how and when the result will be, I leave entirely to the divine decree. It may be at any moment, hour, month, year or age. It may be in any part of the world – either in the East or in the West, in the North or in the South – yet in effect it will embrace all four. It may be under any and all circumstances.

I feel that it will be a sudden coming, and a becoming, of the essence of all Love, Unity, Realization, Revelation and Illumination in its varying degrees, for me and for all those connected with me.

Although the Manonash work is done fully and completely, and the result must and will definitely come one hundred percent to my satisfaction, I now give freedom to each and all who are connected with me, to choose what manner of life they henceforth wish to live. They are free either to live with me, and obey my orders, or to live away from me and obey my orders.

To sum up my Manonash work:

First: I feel in all truth that the four months’ Manonash work has been done by me, by the help of God, to my entire satisfaction.

Second: The result of this work must bear fruit, sooner or later: either in the immediate present, or sometime later, or in the distant future.

Third: The result will bring Freedom to us all in proportion to our merits of love, faith and service.

Fourth: This Freedom will be freedom from ignorance, and will be the Knowledge that we always were, are and will be One with God.

Fifth: This Knowledge will make us realize and experience infinite love, power, bliss and peace, which we always possessed and knew not.

-www.lordmeher.org, p3760

To read the full account of the concluding, please refer to this page.

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