Interview in New York – Part 1

Although Baba stayed in New York City for only three days, hundreds of people wanted to see him. Norina Matchabelli had been in charge of arranging Baba’s schedule. More reporters came to interview him, and many accounts about the “Indian Messiah” were published in the local newspapers, which brought the interest of even more people to him. However, Baba did not meet every person, he only gave personal interviews and darshan to a select few.

A reporter Baba did agree to see was Frederick L. Collins, whom Malcolm Schloss had contacted. He was invited to have tea with Baba at the Stokes home one afternoon. As the interview began, Mr. Collins asked Baba if he were married, and the following is Meher Baba’s reply and their conversation:

“Married? No. Sex for me does not exist. Modern marriage is too much of a business affair. No wonder it often results in divorce. Husband and wife should put each other first. It is essential for a happy family life that selfless love should predominate over lust.”

“We in America have other problems right now besides sex,” interjected Collins.

“Yes, things have been messed up a good deal here by lack of understanding,” Baba commented.

“What are you going to do for this messed-up country of ours?”

Baba smiled, spelling out, “It’s my country, too.” He then proceeded to explain his mission of coming to the West.

Collins asked, “When you break your silence, how will you do it? By radio?”

“Certainly not by radio,” Meredith Starr cried out, horrified at the thought.

“Why not?” Baba spelled out to Meredith.

When questioned about America’s problems, Baba stated, “America has great energy, but a great deal of it is misdirected. And misdirected energy produces destructive complexes, and these, in turn, produce fear, greed, lust and anger, which result in moral and spiritual decay.”

“Is your aim to help us with our spiritual problems or our practical problems?”

Baba responded: “Our spiritual problems are our practical ones!”

“And just how do you intend to help?”

“The help I will give will produce a change of heart in thousands, and right thinking will then automatically result.”

“Will that solve the depression problem?”

“It will solve every problem.”


“Yes, and the problem behind prohibition. It should never have been put into effect the way it was.”


[1932, New York]

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