Constant companion

Make me your constant companion. Think of me more than you think of your own self. The more you think of me, the more you will realize my love for you.

Your duty is to keep me constantly with you throughout your thoughts, speech and actions. They do their duty who, sincere in their faith and love, surrender to me – guided by the implicit belief in my divinity as Baba.

They, too, do their duty who speak ill of me and condemn me through their writings, urged by their genuine conviction that Baba is a fraud.

But, they are hypocrites who, not knowing their own minds, are constantly doubting. They are at times, through false emotions, inclined to believe in me; and, at other times, to indulge in slanderous gossip against me. No amount of slander can ever affect or change me; nor any amount of admiration and praise enhance or glorify my divinity.

Baba IS what he IS. I was Baba, I am Baba, and shall forever more remain Baba. My blessings to you all., p3416
Nov, 1953; Dehra Dun

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