Heart, Mind and Sanskaras – Part 6

The youth left the palace, roamed about India, became a rich man and took the name of Kalyan which means “happy in every respect.” After twelve years he returned to Janak, this time rich and prosperous. The guards again checked him, asking who he was. “I am the rich Kalyan,” he said. Janak, on hearing this, sent word for him to go away for a few more years. So Kalyan returned home and in the course of time lost everything that he possessed. After twelve years more he returned to Janak, who again asked who he was. I am the miserable Kalyan,” he replied. Janak then sent him away for twelve more months.

During this time, Kalyan started pondering: “What is this? When I first went to Janak, I had nothing but I wanted to see God. Then I was thrown into prison. Then I was placed on the throne. Then I became rich. Then I became poor. What does all this mean?”
When he returned to Janak’s palace after twelve months, one of the guards took pity on him and said, “You fool, this time when Janak asks who you are, say ‘I do not know!’ ” Kalyan followed this advice. Janak then turned his gaze upon him and he lost consciousness of all bodies, of the whole world, and became conscious of his own Self as the Infinite God.

The meaning of this tale is unless you lose the “I,” you cannot see and become God, because where you are, God is not!

Now about myself. When I was a boy I did not know anything. I had nothing to do with spirituality. My father, who was a dervish, had roamed throughout Persia and India, begging and contemplating God. He taught me some verses from Hafiz and other poets, but I had no interest in poetry. I preferred playing games – marbles, kites, cricket – and found myself naturally the leader of others.

Yet one day, when a friend gave me a small booklet on the Buddha, I opened the book to the place that told about the second coming of the Buddha as Maitreya, the Lord of Mercy, and I realized all of a sudden, ‘I am that, actually’ and I felt it deep within me. Then I forgot about it and years passed by.
Date: 17 September 1954  (“The Three Incredible Weeks”)

–Lord Meher (First Ed), p4454

-www.lordmeher.org, p3573
Sept, 1954; Meherabad (“The Three Incredible Weeks”)

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