“I will do my work in my own way at the fair”

Meanwhile, the New York World’s Fair was scheduled to open on 22 April 1964, and the American lovers had contributed and built a beautiful information booth for Baba’s “Universal Message” to be disseminated.  The booth in the Pavilion of American Interiors. On 12 April, Baba sent Elizabeth Patterson and Jane Haynes this telegram for all who had helped set up the fair:

Blessed is the love of my lovers in America that has adorned the New York World’s Fair with Meher Baba’s Universal Message. I send my blessing of love to all my lovers and workers who made it possible and who will staff the space for the duration of the fair.

The opening of the pavilion was delayed until 8 May 1964, but Baba’s telegram made the final trying weeks a joy instead of a trial. It was estimated that half-a-million visitors a day came to the fair, and many passed Baba’s corner, saw his picture and heard his name through the untiring efforts of Elizabeth, Kitty, Jane and many others. Baba indicated from the beginning, “I will do my work in my own way at the fair,” and it was evident by those who were drawn to him and later wrote to the Myrtle Beach Center for more information. Fred and Ella Winterfeldt inquired as to how to answer questions that people might ask. Baba replied through Mani in a letter: “Baba says his love is with you, so do not be at all nervous about questions you might be asked. Your love for him will speak for itself and answer all questions.”

Kitty later recounted:

Many workers at the booth have told the same story: the great attraction some visitors felt toward Baba’s picture [a large color photograph taken by Joseph Harb at the Myrtle Beach Center in 1956]. They would suddenly stop dead as they passed, and pause before asking who he was, and even after hearing his name would remain spellbound. A few might refuse the folder (given free); sufficient to them was the memory of that unique person. His name could be clearly seen under the portrait on a beautiful bronze plaque bearing the words MEHER BABA.

Baba’s picture holding a baby goat (taken by Elizabeth Patterson during the Blue Bus Tour 1939) was also displayed, and this message for children was sent:

I love small animals, for they are part of my creation. But I love children much more, for with them I am the eternal child, and they in their happy play are my playmates.

The New York World’s Fair remained open until October 1964. It reopened in April 1965 and stayed open until October.

-www.lordmeher.org, p5071
Apr, 1964; Guruprasad


Photo source : http://www.meherbabatravels.com/events/1964-new-york-world-fair/

For more details visit:
http://www.theawakenermagazine.org/avol10/av10n03/av10n03p01.htm#New York World’s Fair? 1964

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