Proper way to do japa (repetition of God’s name) – Part 2 (Final)


Do not do it like pranayama, by taking one chosen name when you inhale and the same name when you exhale. Not like that, but do the repetition as I have explained in a natural way. Take any name — mine or anyone’s — but have nothing to do with breathing.

Such a repetition will benefit you greatly, and there is not the least harm.

If you go on repeating my name with love, you may possibly become God. Again have nothing to do with pranayama; follow the method I have shown you. It would have been different had you decided yourself how to take God’s name. But now that I have instructed you, you have to act accordingly.

I don’t say you should take my name. If you want to take the name of Ram, that is all right …

If you go on repeating my name with love, you may possibly become God. Again have nothing to do with pranayama; follow the method I have shown you. It would have been different had you decided yourself how to take God’s name. But now that I have instructed you, you have to act accordingly.

–Lord Meher (First Ed), p4177

(, p3358)

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