Obedience is an offering from the lover to the Beloved

In response to the replies that the Westerners had sent to Baba reaffirming their love and obedience to him, Baba had this message sent […]

Blessings, love and grace

During darshan the next day, Sunday, 8 May, a visitor requested that Baba give him his blessings. Baba replied:

20130113 – Great courage is required to assimilate my blessing – Part-2 (final)



Chavan came and prostrated before Baba. Baba lovingly inquired about his family and then stated, “When you first came to me, I […]

20130112 – Great courage is required to assimilate my blessing – Part-1

Vishnu Chavan also came to meet Baba. Although he had been in Baba’s contact for years, Baba did not see him. In fact, none […]

20121117 – Blessings of a Perfect Master


Once a stranger came to Manzil-e-Meem and narrated his long list of problems to Meher Baba. He begged Baba to bless him, and […]

04 Aug 2012 – Do you want me or my blessings?

DURING THIS PERIOD, one of the men would escort Baba back and forth between Grafton and Rosewood bungalows, holding an umbrella over his head. One […]