The spiritual change of heart

Questioner: How is selfishness caused, and why?

Baba: At the root of all is selfishness, self-interest, want, desire. If two dogs see a bone, […]

Ego affirms its separateness

The ego affirms its separateness through craving, hate, anger, fear, or jealousy.

The feeling of separation from others is […]

Fear means no love

(Both Bill Le Page and John Ballantyne were asked to sit inside the crypt and meditate during their stay at Meherabad, Sept […]

On “Fears”—Vague and Real

The question arose: “Whom should you fear—God, the world, or Self?”

Baba replied:

Do not fear the world or its people; always do the […]

“Fear means there is no love”

Fear acts as a thick curtain between the “I” and the “you.”…[I]t…nourishes deep distrust of the other [and] inevitably brings about a shrinking and […]

The difference between remembering Baba’s name and actually saying it out loud

[At another time in 1930s, Baba advised how to remember Him when we face wild animals or during any mishap] Baba advised:

If you […]