“Be mentally free and happy”

On the 13th of October, at ten-thirty in the morning, Baba sent for Adi and Ghani. He […]

“I wish you to be free once and forever”

Question: Is it impertinent to ask why you are focusing our attention on such a high goal rather than showing […]

The Limiting Nightmare

The process of getting bound and then unbound is charged with immense significance. The soul gets mixed […]

Ignorance is the medium to help us comprehend the Infinite

Question: Can the finite mind realize the Infinite?

Baba: There is nothing like finite. Even now, when you think that you are finite, your […]

Real Choice

The ego-mind feels and exercises its limited and illusory freedom when it chooses to succumb to one impressional disposition rather than another. […]

20130407 – Body is cage for the spirit

Remember the story about the parrot who was free from the beginning, but did not know what freedom meant? It was put into a […]