“Pray from the heart by giving yourselves”

“Pray from the heart by giving yourselves. Just saying the words or being still, unless you are giving yourselves, is useless. It is the […]

Not merely try, but do it and be it!

One of the chief workers expressed his apologies and promised that he would henceforth be more careful in his relationships with other workers. Baba […]

Don’t just try but do your best!


Once Baba wrote to Delia to arrange something very difficult. Delia sent this telegram”:I will try.”

Baba cabled back immediately, “Leave it.” Delia […]

Avatar’s Call – Part 3 (Final)

Awaken from your ignorance, and try at least to understand that in the uncompromisingly Indivisible Oneness, not only is the Avatar God, but also […]