There are two states, internal and external, divided or separated by a mental curtain or veil. To purify the internal state is not in […]
This threshold (umbar) that you see here is the junction, the crossing between the Paramanand and human states. The Salik establishes his […]
In short, this—the sixth step, the sixth plane—is the yogi’s limit.
We come now to the case of the Realized Ones. There are very, […]
Now the yogis, having to a certain limited extent come to know of the falseness of the seeming existence of this world—and […]
At this juncture Shri gave a beautiful and practical illustration to explain the types of realized and unrealized persons. Suppose for the […]
… Until we arrive at Reality, and know that all this is tamasha – farce. Lovers of God do not care for this tamasha. […]