05 Aug 2012 – He who dies with my name on his lips never dies!

ON OCTOBER 14th, Baba left Satara for Ganeshkhind Garden in Poona. Eruch, Nilu and Gustadji accompanied him. He stayed in the botanical gardens at Dadi Kerawala’s residence. That evening, Arnavaz phoned from Bombay to convey the sad news that her brother’s airplane had crashed. Nozar’s plane had plunged into the Usman Sagar Lake in Hyderabad the day before, and Nozar had drowned. Arnavaz inquired about the performance of his last rites, and Baba told Eruch to phone her: “You being so old in my contact still ask me about rites? Why do you people pester me about things I do not like? All right, forget it and listen: If Nozar’s body is found, bring it to Meherabad where I will perform the highest rite.” Nozar was twenty-two years old.

Baba then sent Naoroji (Nozar’s father) this telegram:

God is testing us to see if our love is real. For loving me, Nozar will attain me spiritually. So be happy by loving me more and more, for those who love me never die.

From Ganeshkhind, Baba visited Bindra House, where he took an unusually long bath and washed his hair thoroughly. Thereafter, his head wrapped with a white cloth, he paced barefooted on the veranda for a long time. Then he stood before the photographs of his five Perfect Masters, bowed slightly to them and declared, “My Naoroji has won, I have lost!”

By this time, a telegram from Naoroji was received stating: “I am happy in your wish.” Baba was highly pleased.

Nariman, Arnavaz and Naoroji Dadachanji, along with Jim Mistry arrived in Ahmednagar for Nozar’s funeral, and Baba called them to Meherazad on Sunday, October 16th. After embracing them, he asked Naoroji, “Suppose I had ordered you to send Nozar to England and never call him back, would you feel sorry?”

“No, Baba,” he replied.

“Then why do you feel sad now? Do you want to see Nozar?” Pointing to his own body, Baba gestured, “See this, this is Nozar!”

Baba continued, “I am never sorry for anyone who dies. He who dies with my name on his lips, with me in his heart, never dies. I never worry about them, for theirs is no loss. If I am ever worried, it is for those who suffer through a death which they might allow to alienate themselves from me. That would be their loss indeed. Why suffer unnecessarily? My dead live in me. That should make you happy. So why not rejoice in his happiness? Loving me as you do, knowing me for the One I am, you should be only happy to know Nozar is happy in me. Knowing this, any mourning you may do, therefore, must be for yourselves only – from selfish motives. You do not know how fortunate they are who die with my name on their lips and in their hearts.”

Baba remarked to Arnavaz, “Remember me while breathing your last!” They left at peace. Naoroji’s second son, Dara, had gone to Hyderabad to bring the body, which was found five days after the crash in a decomposed state. It was buried in Secunderabad after a military salute, and no religious ceremony was performed. When Baba was informed, he sent this telegram at 4 P.M. on October 18th:

I have physically lost my gem, Nozar, and Nozar has gained me spiritually by loving me to his last breath. Let us be brave and not selfish but rejoice in Nozar’s bliss. Such souls are instrumental in showing us how to love and be worthy of the Beloved.

www.lordmeher.org, P4650


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