What punishment is meted out to those who break the laws of God?


… They reached Visapur railway station, where Baba distributed sweets to the children and then to the teachers and mandali. They went to see the Water Tank which was under construction by the prisoners of the Visapur Central Prison. Watching the hard labors of the convicts, the Master remarked:

“How these prisoners are suffering untold hardships and privations! They are kept away from society because they have broken the law of the land. But what punishment is meted out to those who break the laws of God? Can you imagine their fate? The best way to save oneself from breaking divine law is to surrender completely to a Perfect Master and literally follow his instructions to the letter.”

The group was greatly affected by his compassion even for hardened criminals.

-www.lordmeher.org, p586
May, 1925; Visapur

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