Real happiness is to make others happy

Wonderful soul.

[She stares at Meher Baba.]

Does she want to ask anything?

What must I do for a better life […]

The whole of humanity will feel oneness in the love of God


Over the next 100 years the people of all religions will be awakened in the love of God through the universal work of […]

“I knew I was the Ancient One”

When I was a boy I did not know anything. I had nothing to do with spirituality. My father, who was a dervish, had […]

The Advent: The birth of the Awakener!


In the early morning of Sunday, 25 February 1894, the long-awaited moment arrived.

Shireen was lying asleep in bed at the David Sassoon […]

Opposition helps



Baba: Happy to see you.

Question: He is an artist who has encountered opposition and is trying to find […]

Think less of yourself



Baba: Anything to ask?

[She just looks at Baba]

Baba: And in reality, from the spiritual viewpoint there is never a need […]

The internal help


Question: How can spirituality be attained?

Baba: It cannot be attained by the intellect, but by heart and feeling and inner experience. I […]

Perfection does not exclude materialism


Question: How can I strive to achieve in life what one wants materially and also lasting permanently?

Baba: Yes, it can be done. […]

Think of helping but not of results


Question: She has to speak to people, she believes, who are worthy to be helped; but they do not listen to […]

Let it go! (Janay-doe)

On another occasion, when there was a quarrel between two women, Baba intervened and stated:

Love and forget. This is […]