Baba’s Real Grace!

A blind boy, who had arrived in Dhanauri while Baba was giving mass darshan, groped his way through the crowd and came to the dais. Guiding him, some people took him by the arm and brought him before Baba, who handed him prasad. When darshan was over, Baba headed toward the village of Banda. On the way, he stopped the car, got out and sat down under a tree. He gathered the mandali around him and remarked in cryptic fashion, “Today, God saved me! A very bad thing almost happened. When the blind boy came to me, seeing his helplessness, although he was so handsome, energetic and bright, I had a whim to give him sight. In fact, this whim should not have been there. But God saved me from giving the beautiful boy his eyesight, which would not have been good for him.”

At this, Eruch burst out laughing. On Baba’s inquiring, he replied, “Seeing the lad, I thought of Jesus who performed so many miracles – making a corpse come alive, restoring sight to the blind, healing the lepers, making the crippled walk. And here is our Baba who has no mercy on this boy.”

Baba replied emphatically, “It was good I was saved through God’s grace; otherwise, it would have harmed the boy, not helped him.”

Baba continued, “When I was Krishna, I revealed my Universal Aspect to Arjuna. This was a mistake. I should not have done it, because love and faith alone should make one obey the Master’s behests. Arjuna did not do this, so to create trust in him, I, as Krishna, had to reveal something to him.”

[Hamirpur darshans, Nov, 1952]

–, p3991

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