For the eventual universal spiritual upliftment



On 21 June 1940, Baba had dictated the following message:

The present world chaos and the universal suffering are absolutely necessary for the eventual universal spiritual upliftment and for a new world, wherein peace, love and divine aspirations will reign supreme. None should therefore feel scared and dismayed, bearing in mind the certainty of this bright future.

From the spiritual point of reality, the words nation and foreign, killed and killer, war and peace, success and defeat, have no meaning, because the world of forms and of duality have no existence and are imaginary dreams, and the present universal chaos is just a universal nightmare, necessary for the real universal awakening.

Body forms and minds are innumerable and of infinite variety, but souls are all originally and eternally one. In fact, only one infinite Reality exists, and that is God. So the present apparent world catastrophe is, by Divine Will, essential for a divine manifestation in the near future, of love and real peace, in which I have to play the greatest part, and in which I want my men and women disciples to play the corresponding parts of helping me in this, my work., p2113
June, 1940; Meherabad

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