On Thursday, 15 November 1934, Baba boarded the SS Tuscania in Bombay to set sail for Europe.
He was accompanied by Kaka, Chanji, Adi Sr. and Jalbhai. But during the voyage, Baba began regularly sending one of the mandali to the chef to demand various combinations of foods. At any excuse, Baba sent the mandali back to that particular man. After so many times, Baba’s incessant demands were quite embarrassing to the men.
Finally, after some time, Baba explained what he was doing with the chef:
“The absorption of a person in a subject concerning me enables me to link, as it were, his thoughts on me. An opportunity is thereby created to work spiritually — to dislodge seats of low desires in the mental body of the person, rendering them impotent without them being put into action through the physical body. The man is also being given the chance to serve me whether he knows me or not — an opportunity he will not get again in this life.”
-www.lordmeher.org, p1645
Nov, 1934; Meherabad