The Law: “Be good. It pays!”

Law’s grip is eternal till you go beyond law, then you are free.

Shams says, ‘You think binding to a Master is binding and […]

The Law: This Law’s grip is eternal till you go beyond law

“God is not kind, he is the ocean of mercy. But it is all according to law. And law is not complicated, it is […]

Love in any shape and form is the finest give and take

“Love for God, love for fellow beings, love for service and sacrifice — in short, love in any shape and form is […]

Inscribe these words in your heart

Turning to Filis and Adele, Baba remarked, “Nothing matters but love for God. Masts have this love. One must drown in the lake […]

Love and honesty

“One must always try to be happy and make others happy; otherwise, life will be a bore.

Honest living is also very important […]

Love, pure and simple

“And when you love me with pure, simple love, there should be no barrier. Love, pure and simple, then all doubts go away. Until […]

Act in preference to your heart over mind

[A questioner speaks of the conflict between emotion and discretion]

Baba: When the intellect discards the dictates of conscience, or when the […]

Need for another terrible dream

[Personal Interviews – Zurich, 1934]

A German Editor. He feels that the Swiss people are not receptive of Eastern lore. The people do not […]

People talk, but do not seek God’s grace

[Personal interviews]

28. A clergyman and a doctor friend.

Q. From the Christian standpoint, Christ […]

The spiritual change of heart

Questioner: How is selfishness caused, and why?

Baba: At the root of all is selfishness, self-interest, want, desire. If two dogs see a bone, […]