Devotion, obedience and love

At one point, Baba again warned that continually thinking of how to get rid of the […]

What is that action which is I-less?

Patwardhan came to sing before Baba that day, and asked, “What is that action which is I-less? What is not […]

God-Realization and human ego

On April 30th, Jamshed Mehta, the mayor of Karachi, came to see Baba. Baba praised his sincere efforts and sympathetic treatment of the poor […]

The difference between principle and practice

On this occasion, Baba explained to them about the difference between principle and practice:

Truth, indeed, is the best principle or rule […]

Ego, the dangerous pitfall

R. Chakrapani came to Guruprasad from Talegaon on Thursday, 7 April 1960. He had previously been given certain orders by Baba. He looked like […]

Only love remains ever fresh

Anything that forms itself into a habit loses its freshness, sincerity and enthusiasm — even repentance. If you every day become weak and repent […]

The challenge of lust

During a discussion with the mandali about overcoming lust that day, Baba narrated the following allegory:

There was once a fight between Energy and […]

“Continue to remember me”

After one of the songs, a devotee sitting close to Baba said, “Baba, for many years I have been following you, thinking […]

Awakened to his true nature

Man has to be stripped of his material possessions in order that he may realize through actual experience that his true base is spiritual […]

The Unquenching Fire of Spiritual Longing

Baba here gave a message, “The Unquenching Fire of Spiritual Longing,” which Harkare read out, followed by Gadekar’s Marathi […]