Maya and Sanskaras

Baba then distinguished between Maya and sanskaras:

Suppose you are assailed by anger, lust and […]

“It is all in how you take it”

Baba visited Akbar Press on Monday, 22 October 1934. While there, he explained how the mind changes all aspects of suffering, giving the example […]

In My Presence

I am ever conscious that I am in you, while you are never conscious that I am in you. Daily I support you and […]

Universal heart

If anything ever touches My universal heart it is love. I have crossed the limited earthly oceans to bring to you all the limitless […]

Personal effort

Baba: “Some time ago, I had implanted a spark of Love in the hearts of some of the boys as […]

The working of Maya-9 (Transcending the Falsehoods): God as only Truth

Maya is not illusion; it is the creator of Illusion. Maya is not false; it is that which gives false impressions. Maya is not […]

The working of Maya-8 (Transcending the Falsehoods): The two types of falsehoods (Contd.)

The falsehoods of vitiated thinking spring from initial mistakes in valuation. They arise as a by-product of intellectual activity, which consists in the pursuit […]

The working of Maya-7 (Transcending the Falsehoods): The two types of falsehoods

Falsehoods are of two types: those that arise due to irregular and loose thinking, and those that arise due to vitiated thinking. Falsehoods that […]

The working of Maya-6 (Transcending the Falsehoods): Discerning falsehood by knowing it as falsehood

How does one discern the falsehood as falsehood? There is no way out of falsehood except by knowing it as falsehood, but this knowledge […]

The working of Maya-5 (False beliefs): Soul is beyond thinking, desiring, and doing

When the soul knows itself to be different from the gross, subtle, and mental bodies, it knows itself to be infinite. As infinite Soul, […]