Keep Your Mind Quiet, Steady, and Firm – Part 1

Do not brood endlessly over petty matters and wear out your mind. This constant thinking and thinking weighs on your mind heavily and causes […]

On “Fears”—Vague and Real

The question arose: “Whom should you fear—God, the world, or Self?”

Baba replied:

Do not fear the world or its people; always do the […]

Keeping Company–Satsang – Part 2/2

Now those who practice satsang can be divided into three types:

He who gives, takes not, and stays He who gives not, takes not, […]

Keeping Company–Satsang – Part 1/2

You people think that renunciation is much easier than materialism, that hating and giving up materialism comes more easily than love, liking, and attachment […]

Stopping the Machine

A typical giant machine

Let’s take another concrete figure to illustrate how the ordinary human […]

Truth and Religion – Part 2 (Final)

The same applies to that Christian philosophy propounded by the so-called ministers of the present day who preach that salvation can be won only […]

Truth and Religion – Part 1

Truth has nothing in the least to do with religion. It stands far, far beyond religion’s limited and barren dictates and doctrines. Truth lies […]

Real compassion by refusing darshan



The conversation stemmed from the recent episode concerning a Hindu gentleman, a genuine bhakta (devotee), who had visited Shri Baba several times […]

Ceremonies and rituals for the dead



Then turning to the subject of ceremonies, particularly those for the dead, as practiced among the Parsis and Hindus, Baba […]

The question is of the unfoldment of sanskaras



Question: Why did Buddha renounce everything? Answer: In order to attain to what is real.

Question: Why did Ramakrishna renounce […]