What is real spirituality?

On January 27, during darshan at the Links, a new visitor asked Baba, “What is real spirituality?”


Given to only to those who are prepared

Sayyed Saheb claimed that when he read the Koran or the Hindu scriptures, he found them similar to the explanations given by Baba, while […]

Surrender is better than love on the spiritual path

Love and self-surrender both lead one to the Goal. But generally in the path of love, one drops his body after reaching the […]

Creating something new by his own inner vision

Truly happy people are rare in spite of the smiles which are usually the brave front for varying degrees of internal misery. Yet everywhere […]

Honesty in service

Baba in Andhra, 1954. Photo courtesy: Meher Nazar

After the meals, Sastri informed Baba that were it not for the help rendered by Venkata […]

Want what I want!

On Tuesday, 14 April 1959, Deshmukh broached the subject of a certain young man he had chosen as a husband for his eldest […]

To bring out the “color” of anger

One day Moorty appeared at Guruprasad in a canary yellow shirt. Baba asked him, “How did you ever get your master’s degree? You […]

Think that Baba is behind everything

One lover from an out-station told Baba that he wanted to stay for one month at Poona and do Baba’s “Seva” or service.

Baba […]

What is life?

A college professor asked Baba, “What is life?”

Baba looked at him with a smile and replied: “Life is a mighty joke! […]

Mind is a good servant, but a bad master

[Baba once explained about the mind:]

Mind is a good servant, but a bad master. This means if you control it, it will act […]