Even though Baba was in seclusion during August 1935, he still attended to his correspondence, listening to letters and dictating replies. On the 9th, he wrote to Walter Mertens:
I know how affairs are, rather difficult to manage, yet how patiently you carry on. That is the best way, never to worry but meet the situations and try [your] best to pull on as guided intuitively. Difficulties there are all over the world, in all phases and problems of life, some of which have actually crushed not thousands but millions, but this is all a reaction of people’s own doing, and must be faced.
This is a period of transition, and mighty powers are working things up to bring about a millennium in the near future. But those under the guidance of Masters have special protection and guidance, and hence are at ease from the worries that kill and crush others.
And although, as you say, “weakness often befalls you,” my contact and spiritual guidance and help make you stronger for all the experiences you have, in overcoming these weaknesses. Your beloved Baba looks on you and yours, and will not let you falter.
–www.lordmeher.org p1688
14 August 1935; Meherabad