“In order to keep my will, you should not mind even if the whole world turns against you!”


Waman Padale used to come to Meherazad every Sunday on Adi’s scooter, and he would come other days as well if there were […]

By this incident Baba showed her that he wished her to develop foresight

The electricity in Baba’s bungalow suddenly went out one night, and Baba directed Rano to telephone the authorities concerned. Rano was, of course, a […]

“You run after the shadow, losing the substance”

On the train traveling from Lahore to Amritsar, a 53-year-old Muslim man in the compartment was also visibly drawn to Baba. He kept gazing […]

“Your faith and courage have made me very happy.”

Kaikobad to the right of Baba


On Sunday, 27 February 1966, Adi came to Meherazad at 9:30 A.M. with Waman and Dhake. […]

“Let thoughts come and go … Continue obeying me.”

A daughter named Shakuntala was born on the 18th to Chhagan’s wife, who became quite ill after the delivery. Four days later, Baba directed […]

If you want this prem [love] that you desire, … you must obey me”

Robert Dreyfuss [aged 22] had been planning a trip to India for some years and now knew why — to see Meher Baba! He […]

Baba emphasizes love for each other in doing his work

There had been insufficient rain that year, and the farmers’ crops in Ahmednagar District were failing. Drinking water was likewise becoming a problem, as […]

“Waiting for my call is the greatest possible work you can ever do!”

Since returning to Meherazad, Bhau’s nightwatch duties were to begin each day from 2:30 or 3:00 P.M. But Baba would not call him then, […]

“I will do my work in my own way at the fair”

Meanwhile, the New York World’s Fair was scheduled to open on 22 April 1964, and the American lovers had contributed and built a beautiful […]

“I have come not to teach but to awaken.”

A blind Bengali scholar named Dr. Subodh Chandra Roy, 50, had been teaching in New York at the New School for Social Research since […]