Material adjustment can be made with spiritual understanding

The reporter thought over this for a few moments and then said, “But what is needed to bring peace is material adjustment among nations, economic and political changes. Has this doctrine any relevance to that?”

“Material adjustment can be made with spiritual understanding. If people were made to realize that all the trouble is due to self-interest, then automatically material adjustment would follow.”

“Is economic adjustment possible so long as human beings are what they are?” the reporter asked.

“Economic adjustment and human nature are co-dependent. If it is realized that the trouble is due to self-interest, the problem would be solved. It is easy and simple. Yet because of this ease and simplicity, the task is also difficult.

“For example, if praise and insult do not affect you, you would be always happy. If not, you are bound to be unhappy. How easy the remedy is, yet the simplicity itself makes it difficult.”, p2078
February, 1940; Bangalore

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