Proper way to do japa (repetition of God’s name) – Part 1


Later that same day, July 5th, Ramdas Chaurasia of Nagpur came to Dehra Dun with his sons, Shankar and Ganesh, and they were also allowed to see Baba. In the course of conversation, Ramdas Chaurasia asked Baba the proper way to do japa (repetition of God’s name). Replying, Baba stated:

Day and night you breathe, but do you ever think of it? Even at night when you sleep and when it is not possible to think of it, your breathing goes on for twenty-four hours, continuously and naturally. Do the japa in a similar manner; do it in such a way that it goes on spontaneously all the time – while eating, drinking, sitting, walking, talking – so that in the course of time, it becomes a natural habit.

To form this habit, first you have to repeat the one name of God most dear to you for half an hour daily, increasing the time gradually until the mental repetition becomes a natural habit, and you keep repeating it for twenty-four hours. God has hundreds and thousands of names. Select an easy one and with every inhalation, repeat it. While doing it, no special sitting or standing posture is required.

This habit will make you repeat God’s name always – while eating, working, urinating, defecating and so on. If at all you forget to take His name, take it at once as soon as you remember. Do this, thinking that it is a duty given to you. Don’t worry if you ever forget to take His name. If your thoughts begin to flow into a different channel, stop them and go on repeating His name. When it becomes a firm habit with you, even while thinking other thoughts, the repetition will be uppermost and you will not even be conscious that you are doing it – exactly in the same way in which you are unconscious of your breathing.

–Lord Meher (First Ed), p4177

(, p3358)

A new naam dhun (repetition of Baba’s name) added today in the multimedia page (this was recorded on morning of Baba’s birthday day 2013) :

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