The disciple and his attitudes – Humility disarms antagonism

For real spiritual service the disciple has to be prepared for all eventualities. In his work for God he must learn to adjust himself […]

The disciple and his attitudes – The Immortality of Universal Life

The silence which I have been observing for the past thirty-one years is a call from the silence of unfathomable Divinity. Invite that Divinity […]

The disciple and his attitudes – Theory and practice

The energy which is expended in mere thinking, talking or writing is like the steam which escapes through the whistle of the railway engine. […]

The Master and His Role – The Grinding Mill of the Universe

The Perfect Master becomes the center of the universe. He finds himself as the only absolute and changeless point, around which the entire universe […]

The Master and His Role – The Master is the Way

IN THINKING day and night of the Master, the disciple nearly achieves the ultimate objective which is the aim of the diverse practices of […]

The Master and His Role – The Direct Journey to God

The masses who try to attain the Truth by following rites and rituals are, as it were, in the goods train which is detained […]

The Master and His Role – Deathless Living

Life does not end with death. Survival after death is as true as death after life. To live in order to die, or to […]

Want Nothing

Pleader, who had originally joined Baba to attain God-Realization, had recently returned from Bombay and had been confronting Baba for several days, saying, “According […]