Reincarnation and Karma [6]– The Significance of Death: Conflict between intellect and intuition

The implications in assuming death to be the termination of individual existence run counter to the ineradicable expectations based upon […]

Reincarnation and Karma [5]– The Significance of Death: Problems of impersonal intellect

Impersonal considerations go a long way to fortify the mind against the personal sorrow caused by death. But they do […]

Reincarnation and Karma [4]– The Significance of Death: Attachment to specific forms

So, even within the limits of experience of the worldly, there is much that should mitigate morbid thoughts of death […]

Reincarnation and Karma [3]– The Significance of Death: Continuity of life

The overwhelming importance of death is derived from man’s attachment to particular forms. But death loses much of its sting […]

Reincarnation and Karma[2] – The Significance of Death: Death as background of life

As the worldly individual considers death to be the cessation of life, he gives great importance to it. There are […]

Reincarnation and Karma [1]- The Significance of Death: Identification of soul with gross body

The worldly person completely identifies life with the manifestations and activities of the gross body. For him, therefore, the beginning […]

Death is like going to sleep and waking up in a new body


Eruch read out Baba’s message for that day:

No one dies, no one is born. The only fortunate and rare one who does […]

05 Aug 2012 – He who dies with my name on his lips never dies!

ON OCTOBER 14th, Baba left Satara for Ganeshkhind Garden in Poona. Eruch, Nilu and Gustadji accompanied him. He stayed in the botanical gardens […]