“All you have to do is to obey me”




Madhusudan then sang a few ghazals whose meaning would occasionally be interpreted by Baba. He said:

On the Path, cowards have […]

How the Avatar knows everything

As Dedolchow and Amiya Das were leaving, Baba remarked to Harry, “I know everything. Do you know how I know everything?”

Harry said he […]

The Relationship with the Master in Spiritual Life – Reversing process of perception

The process of perception runs parallel to the process of creation, and the reversing of the process of perception without obliterating consciousness amounts to […]

Baba answers how ‘Infinity is bottled up in His finite body’

Many of Baba’s explanations to Niranjan Singh were written down and included in the book, The Everything and The Nothing. In 1963, when Niranjan […]