Reincarnation and Karma [16]– Hell and Heaven: Coarser vs. Finer desires

Coarser desires contribute to hell state:

Some desires have a direct relation to the possession and assimilation […]

Reincarnation and Karma [15]– Hell and Heaven: Heaven on earth

In fact, even in the earthly sphere of existence some individuals develop this capacity of making their pleasure independent of […]

Reincarnation and Karma [14]– Hell and Heaven: Fulfillment of desires through thought

In the heaven state the fulfillment of desires is not, as in the gross sphere, dependent upon having the object […]

Reincarnation and Karma [13]– Hell and Heaven: Hell and heaven states

In life after death the experiences of pain and pleasure become much more intense than they were in earthly life. […]

Reincarnation and Karma [12]– Hell and Heaven: Subjectivity of life after death

After death there is no consciousness of the gross world for the ordinary soul, since such consciousness is directly dependent […]

Reincarnation and Karma [11]– The Significance of Death: Death begins interval between incarnations

In normal cases, death occurs when all the sanskaras seeking fructification are worked out. When the soul […]

Reincarnation and Karma [10]– The Significance of Death: Irresistible impulsion

In such cases, the discarnate soul experiences an irresistible impulsion toward the gross world and craves gross objects so badly […]

Reincarnation and Karma [9]– The Significance of Death: Effects of untimely death

Ordinarily, life in the physical body is terminated only when the sanskaras released for expression in that incarnation are all […]

Reincarnation and Karma [8]– The Significance of Death: Three worlds

Nature is much greater than what a person can perceive through the ordinary senses of the physical body. The hidden […]

Reincarnation and Karma [7]– The Significance of Death: Immortality of the soul

Immortality of the individualized soul is made possible by the fact that the individualized soul is not the same as […]