The execution of the divine plan by the Perfect Masters

All seers have announced the reign of this law of Truth. It operates both impersonally, and through the conscious working of the divine hierarchy […]

The three important factors that are characteristic of the state of Perfection

Question: For an aspirant to the Path in search of a Master, is there any infallible method of recognizing a Perfect Master?

Answer: “Spiritual […]

Sanskaras – Not just stopped but need to be rooted-out

Mustaches ought not merely to be shaved and cut as we do time after time, but actually stripped off once […]

On sanskaras – The Creation, Cutting Up, and Destruction – Part 4/4

Thus by renouncing everything, surrendering heart and soul to their Guru, and remaining constantly in his sahavas, the bhaktas are enabled to perform the […]

On sanskaras – The Creation, Cutting Up, and Destruction – Part 2/4


The Four Yogas There are four kinds of yoga—karma, bhakti, raj, and Jnan. But the essential and principal first condition of every yoga […]

The Avatar: The supreme Sadguru



There are fifty-six God-realized souls in the world at all times. They are always one in consciousness. They are always different in […]

The internal and external states

There are two states, internal and external, divided or separated by a mental curtain or veil. To purify the internal state is not in […]

Existence Is Substance and Life Is Shadow – Part 5 (Final)


Emancipation from the grip of Life and freedom from the labyrinths of actions is made possible for all and attained by a few […]

The Roads to Realization

According to the sages, there are three different roads to Realization, as shall now be described.

The first of these roads—the shortest, […]

Difference between Avatar and Perfect Masters roles

Baba gave the following explanation to the mandali about the difference between the Avatar and the Perfect Masters:

Every God-Realized personality is perfect. However, […]