Thus, in a society dominated by merely material conceptions of life, service is interpreted in terms of providing for bread or clothes or other […]
If the aspirant is completely detached from all works and their results, he becomes free from the vitiating opposites of great and small. The […]
The aspirant is not in any way attached to the idea of service, however, in the sense of maximum results being secured through himself […]
The aspirant always has to be in readiness to serve the cause of humanity. He need not apply himself to any type of work […]
One exception to “visitors” was an eccentric Irishman, named Dennis Kirkpatrick. He was a tall man in his late fifties. His father had been […]
Meanwhile, in North India, there was a severe shortage of wheat and rice after three years of drought and thousands of poor people were […]
Toni Roothbert said, “I am only happy when I can do something for people. There is not even a hospital here … ”
Goma Ganesh Pathak, one of the former teachers of the Meher Ashram school, was doing social work in Ahmednagar and would come to see […]
Serve your parents and win them over
A YOUTH named Singh, from Hamirpur, had attended the Andhra darshan program, but his parents were against Baba. […]