[This is first of a series of wonderful messages given by Beloved Baba during 1954 sahavas]
August 10th, 2020 | Tags: Sanskaras, Spiritual path Category: Messages | Comments are closed
Madhusudan then sang a few ghazals whose meaning would occasionally be interpreted by Baba. He said:
On the Path, cowards have […]
Question: Is decent living enough for attaining a wider consciousness, or is any occult, spiritual, or religious training necessary?
Baba: No general rule […]
The qawaali program led by Habib Qawaal of Ahmednagar and his musicians then started. Baba would often explain the meaning of key verses of […]
Baba in Toka with boys
Although several of the boys had been quite mischievous during his absence, Baba did not reprimand […]
In the spiritual path, these messages and addresses mean nothing. Without actual experience, all philosophical statements are idle talk, and all these ceremonies are […]
There can be no greater folly than for the wayfarers to quarrel over the pros and cons of this way or that, instead of […]
On 14 April, the following couplets of Hafiz (which Baba had previously translated into English) were read out:
Hafiz says:
O ignorant one! Strive, […]
To contemplate the terrible trials that the Guru brings to bear would make even the staunchest of heroes turn tail and run […]
The masses of humanity, who do not belong to a Master’s circle, find themselves in a case and situation that is very different—indeed, quite […]