Purifying the heart (1/7): No rigid set of rules outlined as a means for God-realization

[This is first of a series of wonderful messages given by Beloved Baba during 1954 sahavas]

August 10th, 2020 | Tags: , Category: Messages | Comments are closed

“All you have to do is to obey me”




Madhusudan then sang a few ghazals whose meaning would occasionally be interpreted by Baba. He said:

On the Path, cowards have […]

The way to attain “wider consciousness”


Question: Is decent living enough for attaining a wider consciousness, or is any occult, spiritual, or religious training necessary?

Baba: No general rule […]

“Real satsang can be had only near me”

The qawaali program led by Habib Qawaal of Ahmednagar and his musicians then started. Baba would often explain the meaning of key verses of […]

Inner path

Baba in Toka with boys


Although several of the boys had been quite mischievous during his absence, Baba did not reprimand […]

What matters in spiritual path

In the spiritual path, these messages and addresses mean nothing. Without actual experience, all philosophical statements are idle talk, and all these ceremonies are […]

What is required is focus on onward march

There can be no greater folly than for the wayfarers to quarrel over the pros and cons of this way or that, instead of […]

Wants of the body have kept you away from the threshold of Love

On 14 April, the following couplets of Hafiz (which Baba had previously translated into English) were read out:

Hafiz says:

O ignorant one! Strive, […]

The Path of Truth is Not a Bed of Roses – Part-4 (Final)

To contemplate the terrible trials that the Guru brings to bear would make even the staunchest of heroes turn tail and run […]

The Path of Truth is Not a Bed of Roses – Part-3

The masses of humanity, who do not belong to a Master’s circle, find themselves in a case and situation that is very different—indeed, quite […]