Citing examples from the lives of Shri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, Shri explained that Vivekananda, as one of Ramakrishna’s circle members, was actually […]
[ The Combined Diary” devotes almost eleven pages to this day and the great drama that played itself out with respect to […]
The man of the world believes that to have understood a thing intellectually is to have learned it. The true lesson in action, though, […]
“There can be nothing like a rigid set of rules to outline the means by which […]
The reporters were then introduced to Baba individually. At the end of their ten-minute audience, one of them asked, “Meher Baba, what is […]
[Continued from previous post]
If we stretch the above simile further and imagine that a miracle happens by which the unenlightened man […]
The following is the discourse on Maya that Baba dictated by hand signs for Irene Conybeare’s book, In Quest Of Truth:
Everything, from the […]
The spiritual journey does not consist in gaining what a person does not have, but in the dissipation of ignorance concerning himself and life, […]
The creation chart
The first whim to know instantaneously implies a duality, an apparent differentiation (not amounting to a breaking up) into […]
Baba’s message was particularly aimed at the spiritual workers who had been invited to these gatherings. He urged them to awaken people to […]