Vivian Agostini accompanied her husband, Louis, but she was not yet prepared to accept Baba as the Avatar. She had agreed to come but vowed: “I will never kneel down before any man who calls himself God!” After meeting Baba, she announced her intentions to return to America, complaining to her husband, “Baba did not look at me. I don’t know whether he was even aware that I was presented to him. I feel as if I were treated by him as nothing!”
However, suddenly Rano appeared calling out, “Vivian Agostini! Baba wants to see Vivian Agostini.”
Vivian Agostini later recounted:
I approached Baba and knelt at his feet as his gestures indicated that he wished to give me a special embrace. No mother’s hands could have been more gentle as he held my head in his hands and gazed deep within my eyes. All I could say was: “Baba, I love you. I love you so very much.” He nodded his head as if to say “I know, I know,” referring perhaps to my genuine anguish of the evening before when I felt so forlorn and abandoned.
And, I had the strange feeling of melting into a vast and endless domain. Then the tears came pouring out as though a dam holding back a large expanse of water had suddenly broken, and the uncontrollable torrent poured down my face and over my clothes.
If that was the edge of the cyclone of Baba’s love which I had just experienced, what must the very center be like?
Dazed by the experience, Vivian left and wandered into Baba’s room, where Mani greeted her. Instead of returning her greeting, Vivian could only say in wonder, “I never knew I would look into the eyes of a man and know that he is the Christ.”, p4837
Oct, 1962; East-West Gathering, Guruprasad
Footnote in Lord Meher: Vivian Agostini was a sculptor and after her return to America, she sent Baba a sketch of a bronze medal with Baba’s portrait on one side and the Mastery in Servitude motto on the back. Baba approved the project and design, and Vivian began producing the medals in 1964.